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Chair of Food Law | Prof Dr Kai Purnhagen LLM

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Team > Kai P Purnhagen

Kai P Purnhagen

Faculty of Life Sciences: Food, Nutrition and Health; Faculty of Law and Economics

Chair of Food Law, Co-Director of the Research Unit of German and European Food Law​

Purnhagen works in the areas of European Union Law, International Economic Law and the interdisciplinary and comparative analysis of law. Previous appointments include stays at the Wageningen University, Ludwig-Maximilian University Munich, the University of Lucerne, the European University Institute, the London School of Economics and Political Science, the University of Wisconsin-Madison, the Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, and the University of Amsterdam.

His early research focused on the increasing role of systematisation in the harmonisation of risk regulation in EU law. He also co-led a project on European legal culture at the LMU in Munich and at Oxford University, funded by a Thyssen grant. This work led to the well-received book Towards a European Legal Culture, which was commented inter alia by Hugh Collins, Steven Weatherill, Eric Jayme, Ewoud Hondius, Kåre Lilleholt, Norbert Reich, Gerhard Dannemann, and Thomas Wilhelmsson.

More recently, Kai has worked broadly on various aspects of risk regulation in EU law, WTO law, and German law, with a focus on the implementation of findings from behavioural, economic and safety sciences into law and regulation. His works have appeared in prestigious journals such as the European Law Journal, The Journal of World Trade, Journal of Consumer Policy, Nature Biotechnology, Nature Plants, Risk Analysis, the European Law Review, Applied Economics Perspectives and Policy and the Rabel Journal of Comparative and International Private Law. He is also (co-)editor of various prestigious outlets, most prominently of the forthcoming Oxford Encyclopedia on EU law and the Springer Science Series Studies in European Economic Law and Regulation. Kai was also Founding Associate Editor of the European Journal of Risk Regulation (Cambridge University Press).

His works regularly influence law-making and interpretation at various levels. Among others, his works were taken up by the European Court of Justice in data protection law, the European Commission in marketing law, the German government in energy and consumer law and the German Supreme Court in contract law. He regularly serves as an expert to various governments and consulting agencies such as the Chinese government, the European Commission, the European Parliament, the German government and the Austrian government.

He was responsible for the legal part of interdisciplinary projects such as the DFG project "Innovate Food Law" and the regulatory parts of the HorizonEurope projects GeneBEcon and DETECTIVE.


Study of Law, Political Science, Economics, Philosophy and Sociology at the Justus-Liebig-University Gießen and Fernuniversity Hagen ■ Masterstudies as Fellow University of Wisconsin-Madison ■ PhD at the European University Institute in Florence ■ Post-doc at the University of Amsterdam and at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich ■ Assistant and Associate Professor in Law at Wageningen University ■ Since 2020 Full Professor of Law and Director of the Research Center for German and European Food Law at the University of Bayreuth ■ Since 2021 PI of the German Science Society (DFG) funded project "Innovate Food Law"
Stipends, Prizes and Support

Fellowship University of Wisconsin-Madison Law School and Giessen-Wisconsin Alumni Association ■ DFG Sachbeihilfe and Oberfrankenstiftung on project "Innovate Food Law" ■ German Academic Exchange Programme (DAAD) Stipend PhD Studies at the European University Institute Florence ■ Thyssen Foundation on workshop and book project "Towards a European Legal Culture" ■ Beneficiary of HorizonEurope Project "GeneBEcon" ■ Teaching Award Wageningen University ■ Volkswagen Foundation "New European Culture" ■ RAPS Foundation Projects on Regulation of Alternative Proteins

Membership and Functions

Head of the Ethical Committee of the University of Bayreuth ■ Deutsch-Amerikanische Juristenvereinigung (DAJV) ■ Member Deutscher Juristentag ■ Giessen-Wisconsin Alumni Association ■ Selection Committee for the Distribution of annual stipends of the DAAD ■ Selection Committee of the PhD Stipends of the Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (Flanders Research Foundation)  ■ Expert Group on General Food Law and Sustainability of Food Systems (European Commission) ■ Expert for the European Parliament on Food Information Law ■ Member Task Force on Sustainable Agriculture and Innovation (Think Tank Re-Imagine Europe) ■ Member OECD Advisory Group on Measurement Framework for Large-Scale Food Fortification Regulation ■ Regular evaluations of scientific projects for the DFG, Polish Academy of Science, Dutch Science Foundation, Swiss Science Foundation etc.


since 2020

Full Professor and Chair Food Law, University of Bayreuth, Faculty of Life Science, Nutrition and Health

2017-2020Tenured Associate Professor of Law, Research Co-ordinator, Wageningen University and Research
2013-2017Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Law and Governance, Research Coordinator, Wageningen University
2011-2013Akademischer Rat aZ Ludwig Maximilan University Munich, Chair of Private and Business Law (Prof. Dr. Thomas Ackermann)
2011Post-doc researcher University of Amsterdam Law School, Centre for the Study of European Contract Law
2009Visiting scholar London School of Economics and Political Sciences and University of Wisconsin-Madison
2009-2011 (with breaks)Visiting lecturer at the University of Lucerne and Justus Liebig University of Giessen
2008 – 2011PhD researcher, European University Institute, Department of Law (DAAD scholarship)
2007 – 2008Giessen fellow University of Wisconsin-Madison Law School (UW law faculty and Giessen Wisconsin Alumni scholarship)

Faculty of Life Sciences: Food, Nutrition and Health; Faculty of Law and Economics


  • Dr. Tilman Reinhardt (UBT, in research progress)


  • Dr. Taufik Haryanto (WUR, 2022, Research and Policy Analyst, Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Republic of Indonesia)
  • Dr. Dominique Sinopoli (WUR, 2018, Global Manager Seed Regulatory Affairs at Enza Zaden)
  • Dr. Dasep Wahidin (WUR, 2018, WHO Technical Advisory Group)
  • Prof. Dr. Eva van der Zee (WUR, 2018, Junior Professor of International Law with a focus on behavioral Law & Economics, University of Hamburg)


  • Aleksandra Hubar-Kolodziejczyk (UBT, in research progress)
  • Felix Guillaume (UBT, in research progress)
  • Ilona Schneider (UBT, in research progress)
  • Yasmine Ambrogio (UBT, in research progress)
  • Alessandro Monaco (UBT, in research progress)
  • Roman Warda (UBT, in research progress)
  • Laura Springer (UBT, 2024, under assessment)

Faculty of Life Sciences: Food, Nutrition and Health; Faculty of Law and Economics



Kai Purnhagen: Tobacco Advertising and the Powers of Harmonisation : How the Case has become an Incentive to Overcome Its Competence Test. In: Paul Craig, Robert Schütze (Hrsg.): Landmark Cases in EU Law. - Oxford : Hart, 2025.

Kai Purnhagen: Achieving Zero Hunger : Using Behavioural Insights and Contractual Regulation for the Achievement of UN SDG 2. In: Cass Sunstein, Lucia Reisch (Hrsg.): Elgar Companion to Consumer Behaviour and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. - Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing, 2025.

Carme Ribes Ortega, Alexandra Molitorisová, Kai Purnhagen: Dangerous Legacy of Food Contact Materials on the EU Market : Recall of Products Containing PFAS. In: European Journal of Risk Regulation, (2025). - .

Kai Purnhagen: Food Safety . In: Monika Namysłowska, Hans Micklitz (Hrsg.): Elgar Concise Encyclopedia of Consumer Law. - Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2025.

Kai Purnhagen: Misery acquaints a man with strange bed-fellows? Consumer empowerment in EU agricultural law and EU food information law. In: Michael Cardwell, Fiona Smith, Joseph McMahon (Hrsg.): A Research Agenda for Agricultural Law. - Cheltenham : Edward Elgar, 2025.

Aleksandra Hubar-Kolodziejczyk, Kai Purnhagen: Regulatory requirements for the identification, detection and quantification of gene-edited products in light of the (r)evolution of new genomic techniques. In: European Journal of Risk Regulation, (2025). - .


Tilman Reinhardt, Alessandro Monaco, Kai Purnhagen: Cultivated Foie Gras flies into Europe : prepare for legal disruption. In: European Law Blog, 2024-09-05

Alexandra Molitorisová, Kai Purnhagen: A Citizen Jury on New Genomic Techniques : A Format For Public Participation in Genomic Matters in Agriculture?. In: European Law Blog : News and Comments on EU Law, 2024-02-19

Alessandro Monaco, Johannes Kotz, Mirna Al Masri, Anila Allmeta, Kai Purnhagen, Laura M. König: Consumers' perception of novel foods and the impact of heuristics and biases : A systematic review. In: Appetite, 196 (2024). - .

Kai Purnhagen: Es wächst zusammen was zusammen gehört? Konvergenz zwischen Agrarrecht und Binnenmarktrecht am Beispiel des Kennzeichnungsrechts für innovative Lebensmittel. In: Europarecht, 59 (2024). - S. 460-477.

Hanna Schebesta, Kai Purnhagen: EU Food Law. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2024.

Kai Purnhagen: Farm to Fork – grenzenloser Rahmen für nachhaltige Lebensmittel?. In: Markus Möstl, Kai Purnhagen (Hrsg.): Risikovorsorge im Lebensmittelrecht. - Frankfurt am Main : Fachmedien Recht und Wirtschaft, 2024.

Roman Warda, Kai Purnhagen, Milica Molitorisová: Has Mutual Recognition in the EU failed? : A legal-empirical Analysis on the Example of Food Supplements containing Botanicals and other Bioactive Substances. In: Journal of Consumer Policy, 47 (2024). - S. 425-443.

Kai Purnhagen: Klimaneutral und Irreführung – Was ein Blick ins EU-Recht bringen kann. In: Europäische Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht, 35 (2024). - S. 738-740.

Kai Purnhagen, Justus Wesseler: Precaution and the Precautionary Principle : A view on the EU . In: Alain Marciano, Giovanni Battista Ramello (Hrsg.): Encyclopedia of Law and Economics. - New York: Springer, 2024.

Federica Ronchetti, Laura Springer, Kai Purnhagen: The Regulatory Landscape in the EU for Dairy Products Derived from Precision Fermentation : An Analysis on the Example of Cheese. - Berlin : Springer, 2024. - xii, 77 S.

Risikovorsorge im Lebensmittelrecht. - Markus Möstl, Kai Purnhagen (Hrsg.). - Frankfurt am Main : Fachmedien Recht und Wirtschaft, 2024. - 168 S.

Kai Purnhagen: Vertragsstrafe in engem zeitlichem Zusammenhang mit Verstoß festzusetzen. In: Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht in der Praxis, 16 (2024). - S. 556.

Jessica Vapnek, Kai Purnhagen: Animal Welfare in EU Law : Scope and Purpose of Article 13 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. In: European Law Review, 49 (2024). - S. 188-199.

Jessica Vapnek, Kai Purnhagen: Animal Welfare in EU Law : Scope and Purpose of Article 13 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. In: European Current Law, (2024). - S. 751-760.


Kai Purnhagen: Choice Architecture and Wilhelm Schapp's Contractual Theory : How Infrastructure and Suprastructure of Contracts Anticipated one of the most powerful modern concepts introduced by Richard Thaler and Cass Sunstein. In: Daniele de Santis, Daniele Nuccilli (Hrsg.): Phenomenology, Philosophy of Law and the Hermeneutics of Stories : Essays on the Thought of W. Schapp. - Oxford : Hart ; Bloomsbury, 2023.

Justus Wesseler, Gijs Kleter, Marthe Meulenbroek, Kai Purnhagen: EU regulation of genetically modified microorganisms in light of new policy developments : Possible implications for EU bioeconomy investments. In: Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, 45 (2023). - S. 839-859.

Alexandra Molitorisová, Kai Purnhagen, Nils Rostoks, Dennis Eriksson, Martin Wasmer: Regulatory Aspects of Plants resulting from New Genomic Techniques in the EU. In: Kamel Abd-Elsalam, Aftab Ahmad (Hrsg.): Global Regulatory Outlook for CRISPRized Plants. - New York : Academic Press, 2023. - S. 251-279.

Kai Purnhagen: Anmerkung zu EuGH, Urteil vom 21.9.2023 - C-139/22. In: Neue juristische Wochenschrift, 76 (2023). - S. 3349-3350.

Kai Purnhagen: Art. 14 LebensmittelbasisVO., In: Olaf Sosnitza, Andreas Meisterernst (Hrsg.): Lebensmittelrecht : Loseblatt-Kommentar aller wesentlichen Vorschriften für das Herstellen und Inverkehrbringen von Lebensmitteln, Futtermitteln, kosmetischen Mitteln, sonstigen Bedarfsgegenständen sowie Tabakerzeugnissen. - München: C.H. Beck, 2023

Kai Purnhagen: Farm to Fork : grenzenloser Rahmen für nachhaltige Lebensmittel?. In: Zeitschrift für das gesamte Lebensmittelrecht, 50 (2023). - S. 627.

Kai Purnhagen: Foreword. In: Berndadette Zelger (Hrsg.): Restrictions of EU Competition Law in the Digital Age : The Meaning of 'Effects' in a Digital Economy. - Cham : Springer, 2023. - S. IX-X.

Kai Purnhagen, Tilman Reinhardt: Klausurenkurs Europarecht. 2. Auflage. - München : C.H. Beck, 2023.

Kai Purnhagen, Yasmine Ambrogio, Detlef Bartsch, Dennis Eriksson, Petra Jorasch, Jens Kahrmann, Maximilian Kardung, Alexandra Molitorisová, Alessandro Monaco, Amrit Nanda, Jörg Romeis, Nils Rostoks, Katharina Unkel, Xenia Schneider: Options for Regulating New Genomic Techniques for Plants in the European Union. In: Nature Plants, 9 (2023). - S. 1958-1961.

Yasmine Ambrogio, Detlef Bartsch, Petra Jorasch, Jens Kahrmann, Maximilian Kardung, Amrit Nanda, Kai Purnhagen, Jörg Romeis, Nils Rostoks, Xenia Schneider, Katharina Unkel, Justus Wesseler: Regulatory Options for New Genomic Techniques in the European Union. - Brüssel, 2023. - 26 S.

Die Regulierung von Innovationen im Lebensmittelsektor. - Markus Möstl, Kai Purnhagen (Hrsg.). - Frankfurt am Main : Fachmedien Recht und Wirtschaft, 2023. - 184 S.


Olivia K. Ehrecke, Anna-Lena David, Kai Purnhagen, Laura M. König: Do "no added sugar" labels impact sugar content estimation and healthiness perception? An experimental online study.. - PsyArXiv, 2022-08-30. -

Kai Purnhagen: Bierrecht zwischen Tradition und Innovation. In: Neue juristische Wochenschrift, (2022). - S. 12-13.

Kai Purnhagen, Laurence W. Gormley: Court Cases . In: Sacha Garben, Laurence Gormley (Hrsg.): Oxford Encyclopedia of EU Law. - Oxford: 2022.

Kai Purnhagen: Europarecht. 4. Auflage. - München : C.H. Beck, 2022. - XXIV, 164 S.

Kai Purnhagen: Foreword: EU State Aid Law as a Policy Tool of Tame Investment Protection. In: Pamela Finckenberg-Broman (Hrsg.): Weaponizing EU state aid law to impact the future of EU investment policy in the global context. - Cham : Springer, 2022. - S. V-VI.

Kai Purnhagen: Foreword: Integration through Regulation of Trade in East and West - Banking as a Successful Example?. In: Gulnaz Ospanova (Hrsg.): Integrating markets in banking services : a legal comparison between the European Union (EU) and the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). - Cham : 2022.

Kai Purnhagen: Foreword: What's in a Label?. In: Eva van der Zee (Hrsg.): Sustainability Labels in the Shadow of the Law. - Cham : Springer, 2022. - S. VII-VIII.

Lebensmittelrecht im Mehrebenensystem : Neuerungen, Entwicklungslinien, Spannungslagen. - Markus Möstl, Kai Purnhagen (Hrsg.). - Frankfurt am Main : Fachmedien Recht und Wirtschaft in Deutscher Fachverlag GmbH, 2022. - 140 S.

Kai Purnhagen: Lebensmittelrechtliche Kontrollberichte dürfen im Internet veröffentlicht werden. In: Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht : Praxis im Immaterialgüter- und Wettbewerbsrecht, 14 (2022). - S. 330.

Taufik Haryanto, Josephine van Zeben, Kai Purnhagen: Ostrom’s Design Principles as Steering Principles for Contractual Governance in “Hotbeds”. In: Forest and Society, 6 (2022). - S. 175-201.

Public & Private Enforcement im Lebensmittelrecht : Zusammenspiel und Spannungsfeld von behördlicher und privater Rechtsdurchsetzung. - Markus Möstl, Kai Purnhagen (Hrsg.). - Frankfurt am Main : Fachmedien Recht und Wirtschaft in Deutscher Fachverlag GmbH, 2022.

Kai Purnhagen, Alexandra Molitorisová: Public and Private Enforcement in EU food law. In: European Journal of Risk Regulation, 13 (2022). - S. 464-476.

Alessandro Monaco, Kai Purnhagen: Risk Triggers as Innovation Triggers? : Risk analysis and innovation´s promotion under the Novel Food Regulation. In: European Food and Feed Law Review, (2022). - S. 219-227.

Alexandra Molitorisová, Kai Purnhagen, Pavel Šístek: Techno-regulation : Technological Collaboration between EU Administrations. In: Law, Innovation and Technology, 14 (2022). - S. 421-446.

Kai Purnhagen: Zur extraterritorialen Reichweite von g.U.en - g.U.- Regeln gelten auch für das Ausland hergestellte Produkte. In: Lebensmittel & Recht, 26 (2022). - S. 431-433.


Kai Purnhagen: The EU's "new EU-US agenda for global change" : Brussels Effect, Washington Effect, or Intergovernmentalism?. In: EU Law Live, (2021). - S. 8-13.

Alexandra Molitorisová, Alessandro Monaco, Kai Purnhagen: An analysis of the regulatory framework applicable to products obtained from mushroom and mycelium. - Bayreuth, 2021.

Kai Purnhagen: Endlich bessere Handelsbeziehungen zu den USA? : Der Kommissionsvorschlag einer neuen EU-US-Agenda für den globalen Wandel. In: Lebensmittel & Recht, 25 (2021). - S. 73.

Kai Purnhagen, Justus Wesseler: EU Regulation of New Plant Breeding Technologies and Their Possible Economic Implications for the EU and Beyond. In: Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, 43 (2021). - S. 1621-1637.

Kai Purnhagen, Stephan Clemens, Dennis Eriksson, Louise Fresco, Jale Tosun, Matin Qaim, Richard Visser, Andreas Weber, Justus Wesseler, David Zilberman: Europe's Farm to Fork Strategy and Its Commitment to Biotechnology and Organic Farming : Conflicting or Complementary Goals?. In: Trends in Plant Science, 26 (2021). - S. 600-606.

Kai Purnhagen, Josephine van Zeben: Foreword: Effective Enforcement in the E-Food Market. In: Marie José Plana Casado (Hrsg.): E-FOOD : Closing the online enforcement gap in the EU Platform Economy. - Cham : Springer, 2021.

Kai Purnhagen: Hat das LFGB noch eine Zukunft? Über europäische Harmonisierung, Reform und Disruption. In: Zeitschrift für das gesamte Lebensmittelrecht, 48 (2021). - S. 735-744.

Kai Purnhagen: The Increasing Overlap of Agricultural, Free Movement and Competition Law in the EU. In: European Law Review, 46 (2021). - S. 20-36.

Kai Purnhagen: Lebensmittelinnovationen und deren Regulierung – Von der Angst zur Chance?. In: Lebensmittel & Recht, 25 (2021). - S. 241.

Kai Purnhagen, Johannes Saurer: Liability of EU Member States under EU law. In: Wolfgang Kahl, Marc-Philippe Weller (Hrsg.): Climate Change Litigation : A Handbook. - München : C.H. Beck, 2021. - S. 217-236.

Maßnahmen und Sanktionen im Lebensmittelrecht. - Markus Möstl, Kai Purnhagen (Hrsg.). - Frankfurt am Main : Fachmedien Recht und Wirtschaft in Deutscher Fachverlag GmbH, 2021.

Kai Purnhagen, Erica van Herpen, Stefanie Kamps, Francesca Michetti: Oversized Area Indications on Bonus Packs Fail to Affect Consumers’ Transactional Decisions : More Experimental Evidence on the Mars Case. In: Journal of Consumer Policy, 44 (2021). - S. 385-406.

Kai Purnhagen: Public und Private Enforcement im Lebensmittelrecht. In: Lebensmittel & Recht, 25 (2021). - S. 155-162.

Jessica Vapnek, Kai Purnhagen, Ben Hillel: Regulatory and Legislative Frameworks for Novel Foods. In: Shivani Pathania, Brijesh K. Tiwari (Hrsg.): Food Formulation : Novel Ingredients and Processing Techniques. - Hoboken, NJ : Wiley Blackwell, 2021. - S. 285-308.

Kai Purnhagen, Alexandra Molitorisová: Regulierung der Gen-Editierung : Neuer Wein in alten Schläuchen?. In: Lebensmittel & Recht, 25 (2021). - S. 437.

Alexandra Molitorisová, Kai Purnhagen: Sustainable development commitments in the WTO accession process. In: Panagiotis Delimatsis, Leonie Reins (Hrsg.): Trade and environmental law. - Cheltenham, UK : Edward Elgar Publishing, 2021. - S. 155-159.

Alexandra Molitorisová, Kai Purnhagen: Vom Umgang mit Ungewissheit in der Gesetzgebung : Zur Regulierung gentechnisch veränderter Organismen in der EU. In: Spektrum, 17 (2021). - S. 80-83.

Kai Purnhagen: You want it extra CRISPERY? : Legal Disruption Through New Plant Breeding Technologies in the EU. In: Yearbook of European Law, 40 (2021). - S. 374-397.

Kai Purnhagen, Liesbeth Dries, Verena Preusse: The Brussels Effect in Action : Do the EU's Standards Travel Abroad? A Study on Control Systems for Geographical Indications in the EU and Thailand. In: Houston Journal of International Law, 43 (2021). - S. 455-552.


Alexandra Molitorisová, Kai P. Purnhagen: Sustainable development commitments in the WTO accession process?. - Kulmbach, 2020. - 5 S.

Jessica Vapnek, Kai P. Purnhagen, Ben Hillel: Regulatory and Legislative Framework for Novel Foods. - Kulmbach, 2020. - 29 S.

Verena Preusse, Kai P. Purnhagen, Lisbeth Dries: The Brussels Effect in Action: Do the EU’s Standards Travel Abroad? : A Study on Control Systems for Geographical Indications in the EU and Thailand. - Kulmbach, 2020. - 79 S.

Justus Wesseler, Kai P. Purnhagen: EU Regulation of New Plant Breeding Technologies and their Possible Economic Implications for the EU and Beyond. - Kulmbach, 2020. - 24 S.

Kai Purnhagen, Justus Wesseler: The SAMs Report “Towards a Sustainable Food System” bites the hand that feeds us!. In: European Law Blog, 2020-06-08

Kai Purnhagen, Josephine van Zeben, Christiane Ahlborn, Peter Oosterveer: Beyond Food Safety : EU Food Information Standards as a Facilitator of Political Consumerism and International Law Enforcement Mechanism. In: European Law Review, 45 (2020). - S. 553-568.

Kai Purnhagen: From Supranationality to Managing Diversity : A (Re-)New(ed) Paradigm for the Establishment of the Internal Market?. In: Sacha Garben, Inge Govaere (Hrsg.): Internal Market 2.0. - Oxford : Hart, 2020. - S. 285-311.

Dasep Wahidin, Kai Purnhagen: How to Design Genetically Modified Food Labeling Regulation in Indonesia : Taking Science, Trade Law and Indonesian Demands Seriously. In: Indonesian Law Review, 10 (2020). - S. 207-227.

Kai Purnhagen: Innovationen im Lebensmittelrecht. In: Spektrum, 16 (2020). - S. 6-11.

Justus Wesseler, Kai Purnhagen: Is the Covid‐19 Pandemic a Game Changer in GMO Regulation?. In: EuroChoices, 19 (2020). - S. 49-52.

Hanna Schebesta, Kai Purnhagen: Island or Ocean : Empirical Evidence on the Average Consumer Concept in the UCPD. In: European Review of Private Law, 28 (2020). - S. 293-310.

Hanna Schebesta, Kai Purnhagen: Limits to Behavioural Consumer Law and Policy : The case of EU Alcohol Labelling. In: Klaus Mathis, Avishalom Tor (Hrsg.): Consumer Law and Economics. - Cham : Springer, 2020. - S. 283-298.

Kai Purnhagen, Anniek de Ruijter, Mark L. Flear, Tamara K. Hervey, Alexia Herwig: More Competences than You Knew? : The Web of Health Competence for European Union Action in Response to the COVID-19 Outbreak. In: European Journal of Risk Regulation, 11 (2020). - S. 297-306.

Josephine van Zeben, Kai Purnhagen: Nieuwe wetgeving voor een hongerige planeet. In: Ingrid de Zwarte, Jeroen Candel (Hrsg.): 10 Miljard Monden. - Amsterdam : Prometheus, 2020.

Dennis Eriksson, René Custers, Karin Edvardsson Björnberg, Sven Ove Hansson, Kai Purnhagen, Matin Qaim, Jörg Romeis, Joachim Schiemann, Stephan Schleissing, Jale Tosun, Richard G. F. Visser: Options to Reform the European Union Legislation on GMOs : Post-authorization and Beyond. In: Trends in Biotechnology, 38 (2020). - S. 465-467.

Dennis Eriksson, René Custers, Karin Edvardsson Björnberg, Sven Ove Hansson, Kai Purnhagen, Matin Qaim, Jörg Romeis, Joachim Schiemann, Stephan Schleissing, Jale Tosun, Richard G. F. Visser: Options to Reform the European Union Legislation on GMOs : Risk Governance. In: Trends in Biotechnology, 38 (2020). - S. 349-351.

Dennis Eriksson, René Custers, Karin Edvardsson Björnberg, Sven Ove Hansson, Kai Purnhagen, Matin Qaim, Jörg Romeis, Joachim Schiemann, Stephan Schleissing, Jale Tosun, Richard G. F. Visser: Options to Reform the European Union Legislation on GMOs : Scope and Definitions. In: Trends in Biotechnology, 38 (2020). - S. 231-234.


Federica Ronchetti, Kai Purnhagen: Can the EU's reform proposal for the WTO dispute settlement understanding break the impasse at the WTO?. In: California International Law Journal, 27 (2019). - S. 11-13.

Dennis Eriksson, Drew Kershen, Alexandre Nepomuceno, Barry J. Pogson, Humberto Prieto, Kai Purnhagen, Stuart Smyth, Justus Wesseler, Agustina Whelan: A comparison of the EU regulatory approach to directed mutagenesis with that of other jurisdictions, consequences for international trade and potential steps forward. In: New Phytologist, 222 (2019). - S. 1673-1684.

Kai Purnhagen: EU Food Law : A Very Short Introduction. In: Liesbeth Dries, Wim Heijman, Roel Jongeneel, Kai Purnhagen, Justus Wesseler (Hrsg.): EU Bioeconomy Economics and Policies. Vol. 2. - Cham : Palgrave Macmillan, 2019. - S. 17-26.

Kai Purnhagen, Alan Matthews: European Agriculture and the Bioeconomy : A Historical Overview. In: Liesbeth Dries, Wim Heijman, Roel Jongeneel, Kai Purnhagen, Justus Wesseler (Hrsg.): EU Bioeconomy Economics and Policies. Vol. 1. - Cham : Palgrave Macmillan, 2019. - S. 27-35.

Kai Purnhagen, Niels Petersen: Evaluation of academic legal publications in Germany. In: Rob van Gestel, Andreas Lienhard (Hrsg.): Evaluating Academic Legal Research in Europe : The Advantage of Lagging Behind. - Cheltenham : Elgar, 2019. - S. 88-106.

Taufik Haryanto, Kai Purnhagen: Governing Nature Conservation in Political "Hotbeds" : A Contractual Approach. In: Hastings Environmental Law Journal, 25 (2019). - S. 143-160.

Kai Purnhagen: How to manage the Union's diversity : The regulation of New Plant Breeding Technologies in Confédération paysanne and Others. In: Common Market Law Review, 56 (2019). - S. 1379-1396.

Justus Wesseler, Liesbeth Dries, Wim Heijman, Roel Jongeneel, Kai Purnhagen: Introduction. In: Liesbeth Dries, Wim Heijman, Roel Jongeneel, Kai Purnhagen, Justus Wesseler (Hrsg.): EU Bioeconomy Economics and Policies. Volume I. - Cham : Palgrave, 2019. - S. 3-6.

Lucila de Almeida, Marta Cantero Gamito, Mateja Durovic, Kai Purnhagen: Introduction. In: Lucila de Almeida, Marta Cantero Gamito, Mateja Durovic, Kai Purnhagen (Hrsg.): The Transformation of Economic Law : essays in honour of Hans-W. Micklitz. - Oxford : Hart, 2019. - S. 1-9.

Kai Purnhagen: Keck Is Dead, Long Live Keck? : How The Court Of Justice Tries To Avoid A Sunday Trading Saga 2.0. In: Fabian Amtenbrink, Gareth Davies, Dimitry Kochenov, Justin Lindeboom (Hrsg.): The Internal Market and the Future of European Integration. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2019. - S. 176-187.

Kai Purnhagen, Justus Wesseler: Maximum vs minimum harmonization : what to expect from the institutional and legal battles in the EU on gene editing technologies. In: Pest Management Science, 75 (2019). - S. 2310-2315.

Peter H. Feindt, Christine Krämer, Andrea Früh-Müller, Alois Heißenhuber, Claudia Pahl-Wostl, Kai Purnhagen, Fabian Thomas, Caroline van Bers, Volkmar Wolters: Ein neuer Gesellschaftsvertrag für eine nachhaltige Landwirtschaft : Wege zu einer integrativen Politik für den Agrarsektor. - Heidelberg : SpringerOpen, 2019. - XX, 323 S.

The Transformation of Economic Law : Essays in Honour of Hans-W. Micklitz. - Lucila de Almeida, Marta Cantero Gamito, Mateja Durovic, Kai Purnhagen (Hrsg.). - Oxford : Hart, 2019.


Hanna Schebesta, Tom Verdonk, Kai Purnhagen, Bert Keirsblick: Unfair Trading Practices in the Food Supply Chain : Regulating Right?. In: European Journal of Risk Regulation, 9 (2018). - S. 690-700.

Kai Purnhagen: Who Recognises Standards in TTIP?. In: Elaine Fahey (Hrsg.): Institutionalisation beyond the Nation State. - Cham : Springer, 2018. - S. 97-110.

Kai Purnhagen, Ellen van Kleef: Commanding to “Nudge” via the Proportionality Principle?. In: Harry Bremmers, Kai Purnhagen (Hrsg.): Regulating and Managing Food Safety in the EU. - Cham : Springer, 2018. - S. 151-167.

Kai Purnhagen, Esther Kok, Gijs Kleter, Hanna Schebesta, Richard G. F. Visser, Justus Wesseler: EU court casts new plant breeding techniques into regulatory limbo. In: Nature Biotechnology, 36 (2018). - S. 799-800.

Kai Purnhagen, Esther Kok, Gijs Kleter, Hanna Schebesta, Richard G. F. Visser, Justus Wesseler: The European Union Court's Advocate General's Opinion and new plant breeding techniques. In: Nature Biotechnology, 36 (2018). - S. 573-575.

Dasep Wahidin, Kai Purnhagen: Improving the level of food safety and market access in developing countries. In: Heliyon, 4 (2018). - .

Harry Bremmers, Kai Purnhagen: Regulating and Managing Food Safety in the EU : A Legal-Economic Perspective. In: Harry Bremmers, Kai Purnhagen (Hrsg.): Regulating and Managing Food Safety in the EU. - Cham : Springer, 2018. - S. 1-9.


Kai Purnhagen, Erica van Herpen: Can Bonus Packs Mislead Consumers? : A Demonstration of How Behavioural Consumer Research Can Inform Unfair Commercial Practices Law on the Example of the ECJ's Mars Judgement. In: Journal of Consumer Policy, 40 (2017). - S. 217-234.

Kai Purnhagen, Hanna Schebesta: A Case moving at the Frontiers of Market Access, Freedom of Goods, the Common Agricultural Policy and Science in Court : Reflections on Scotch Whisky Association. In: European Law Review, 42 (2017). - S. 420-433.

Vicki Stone, Martin Führ, Peter H. Feindt, Hans Bouwmeester, Igor Linkov, Stefania Sabella, Finbarr Murphy, Kilian Bizer, Lang Tran, Marlene Ågerstrand, Carlos Fito, Torben Andersen, Diana Anderson, Enrico Bergamaschi, John W. Cherrie, Sue Cowan, Jean-Francois Dalemcourt, Michael Faure, Silke Gabbert, Agnieszka Gajewicz, Teresa F. Fernandes, Danail Hristozov, Helinor J. Johnston, Terry C. Lansdown, Stefan Linder, Hans J. P. Marvin, Martin Mullins, Kai Purnhagen, Tomasz Puzyn, Araceli Sanchez Jimenez, Janeck J. Scott-Fordsmand, George Streftaris, Martie van Tongeren, Nicolas H. Voelcker, George Voyiatzis, Spyros N. Yannopoulos, P. Marijn Poortvliet: The Essential Elements of a Risk Governance Framework for Current and Future Nanotechnologies. In: Risk Analysis, 38 (2017). - S. 1321-1331.

Hanna Schebesta, Kai Purnhagen: Is the "Behavioural Turn" in Consumer Law Taken by Dutch National Courts?. In: Tijdschrift voor Consumentenrecht & Handelspraktijken, (2017). - S. 272-278.

Kai Purnhagen: More Reality in the CJEU's Interpretation of the Average Consumer Benchmark : Also More Behavioural Science in Unfair Commercial Practices?. In: European Journal of Risk Regulation, 8 (2017). - S. 437-440.

Kai Purnhagen, Peter Feindt: Principles-based Regulation : Blueprint for a “New Approach” for the Internal Agricultural Market. In: European Law Review, 42 (2017). - S. 722-736.

Kai Purnhagen, Stefan Wahlen: Der Verbraucherbegriff, § 13 BGB und die Sharing Economy. In: Hans-Wolfgang Micklitz, Lucia A. Reisch, Gesche Joost, Helga Zander-Hayat (Hrsg.): Verbraucherrecht 2.0 - Verbraucher in der digitalen Welt. - Baden-Baden : Nomos, 2017. - S. 185-220.

Kai Purnhagen: Voluntary “New Approach” Technical Standards are Subject to Judicial Scrutiny by the CJEU! : The Remarkable CJEU judgment “Elliott” On Private Standards. In: European Journal of Risk Regulation, 8 (2017). - S. 586-598.


Hanna Schebesta, Kai Purnhagen: The behaviour of the average consumer: A little less normativity and a little more reality in CJEU's case law? : Reflections on Teekanne. In: European Law Review, 41 (2016). - S. 590-598.

Kai Purnhagen, Justus Wesseler: The "Honey" Judgment of Bablok and Others Versus Freistaat Bayern in the Court of Justice of the European Union : Implications for Co-existence. In: Nicholas Kalaitzandonakes, Peter W. B. Phillips, Justus Wesseler, Stuart J. Smyth (Hrsg.): The Coexistence of Genetically Modified, Organic and Conventional Foods. - New York : Springer, 2016. - S. 149-165.

Johannes Saurer, Kai Purnhagen: Klimawandel vor Gericht : Der Rechtsstreit der Nichtregierungsorganisation "Urgenda" gegen die Niederlande und seine Bedeutung für Deutschland. In: Zeitschrift für Umweltrecht, 27 (2016). - S. 16-23.

Kai Purnhagen, Lucia Reisch: "Nudging Germany"? : Herausforderungen für eine verhaltensbasierte Regulierung in Deutschland. In: Zeitschrift für europäisches Privatrecht, 24 (2016). - S. 629-654.

P. Marijn Poortvliet, Martijn Duineveld, Kai Purnhagen: Performativity in Action : How Risk Communication Interacts in Risk Regulation. In: European Journal of Risk Regulation, 7 (2016). - S. 213-217.

Kai Purnhagen, Erica van Herpen, Ellen van Kleef: The Potential Use of Visual Packaging Elements as Nudges. In: Klaus Mathis, Tor Avishalom (Hrsg.): Nudging : Possibilities, Limitations and Applications in European Law and Economics. - Cham : Springer, 2016. - S. 197-216.

Kai Purnhagen, Justus Wesseler: The Principle(s) of Co-existence in the Market for GMOs in Europe : Social, Economic and Legal Avenues. In: Nicholas Kalaitzandonakes, Peter W. B. Phillips, Justus Wesseler, Stuart J. Smyth (Hrsg.): The Coexistence of Genetically Modified, Organic and Conventional Foods. - New York : Springer, 2016. - S. 71-85.

Dominique Sinopoli, Kai Purnhagen: Reversed Harmonization or Horizontalization of EU Standards? : Does WTO Law Facilitate or Constrain the Brussels Effect?. In: Wisconsin International Law Journal, 34 (2016). - S. 92-119.

Studies in European Economic Law and Regulation. - Kai Purnhagen (Hrsg.). - Cham:

Dominique Sinopoli, Kai Purnhagen: When Life Gives You Lemons : The Dispute on the Correct Interpretation of Data on the Citrus Black Spot Disease between the European Union and South Africa according to the SPS agreement. In: Trade, Law and Development, 8 (2016). - .


Hans-Wolfgang Micklitz, Kai Purnhagen: § 13 Verbraucher., In: Franz Jürgen Säcker, Roland Rixecker, Hartmut Oetker, Bettina Limperg (Hrsg.): Münchener Kommentar zum Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuch. Band 1. Allgemeiner Teil, §§ 1-240, ProstG, AGG. 7. Aufl.. - München: C.H. Beck, 2015, S. 415-445

Hans-Wolfgang Micklitz, Kai Purnhagen: § 14 Unternehmer., In: Franz Jürgen Säcker, Roland Rixecker, Hartmut Oetker, Bettina Limperg (Hrsg.): Münchener Kommentar zum Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuch. Band 1. Allgemeiner Teil, §§ 1-240, ProstG, AGG. 7. Aufl.. - München: C.H. Beck, 2015, S. 445-456

Kai Purnhagen, Peter H. Feindt: Better Regulatory Impact Assessment : Making Behavioural Insights Work for the Commission's New Better Regulation Strategy. In: European Journal of Risk Regulation, 6 (2015). - S. 361-368.

Kai Purnhagen: Climate law : Dutch decision raises bar. In: Nature, 523 (2015). - S. 410.

Kai Purnhagen: Mapping Private Regulation : Classification, Market Access and Market Closure Policy and Law's Response. In: Journal of World Trade, 49 (2015). - S. 309-324.

Kai Purnhagen: Die Zurechnung von Unternehmer- und Verbraucherhandelnin den §§ 13 und 14 BGB im Spiegel der Rechtsprechung - Eckpfeiler eines Konzepts?. In: Verbraucher und Recht, 30 (2015). - S. 3-9.


Kai Purnhagen: The Behavioural Law and Economics of the Precautionary Principle in the EU and Its Impact on Internal Market Regulation. In: Journal of Consumer Policy, 37 (2014). - S. 453-464.

Kai Purnhagen: Never the Twain Shall Meet? : A Critical Perspective on Cultural Limits Between Internal Continental Dogmatism and Consequential US-Style Law and Economics Theory. In: Klaus Mathis (Hrsg.): Law and Economics in Europe. - Dordrecht : Springer, 2014. - S. 3-21.

Towards a European Legal Culture. - Genevieve Helleringer, Kai Purnhagen (Hrsg.). - München : Beck, 2014. - XVI, 395 S.

Kai Purnhagen: The Virtue of Cassis de Dijon 25 years later : It is not Dead, It Just Smells Funny. In: Kai Purnhagen, Peter Rott (Hrsg.): Varieties of European Economic Law and Regulation : Liber Amicorum for Hans Micklitz. - Cham : Springer, 2014. - S. 315-342.

Bernd van der Meulen, Harry Bremmers, Kai Purnhagen, Nidhi Gupta, Hans Bouwmeester, L. Leon Geyer: Governing Nano Foods : Principles-Based Responsive Regulation. - New York : Academic Press, 2014.


Kai Purnhagen: The Architecture of Post-National European Contract Law from a Phenomenological Perspective A Question of Comparative Institutional Analysis. In: Rabels Zeitschrift für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht, 77 (2013). - S. 592-619.

Kai Purnhagen: The Politics of Systematization in EU Product Safety Regulation: Market, State, Collectivity, and Integration. - Dordrecht : Springer, 2013.


Kai Purnhagen: Principles of European Private or Civil Law?. In: European Law Journal, 18 (2012). - S. 844-867.


Moritz Keller, Kai Purnhagen: Anfechtung eines Computerkaufs im Internet. In: Juristische Arbeitsblätter, 43 (2011). - S. 894-900.

Kai Purnhagen: Zum Verbot der Risikodifferenzierung aufgrund des Geschlechts - Eine Lehre des EuGH zur Konstitutionalisierung des Privatrechts am Beispiel des Versicherungsvertragsrechts? : Anmerkung zum Urteil EuGH v. 1.3.2011, Rs. C-236/09 (Association belge des Consommateurs Test-Achats ASBL u.a./Conseil des ministres). In: Europarecht, 46 (2011). - S. 690-704.

Kai Purnhagen: Zur Auslegung der Nacherfüllungsverpflichtung : Ein Paukenschlag aus Luxemburg. In: Europäische Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht, 22 (2011). - S. 626-630.


Kai Purnhagen: Grundlagen der Rechtsphänomenologie. In: Jura : juristische Ausbildung, 31 (2009). - S. 661-668.

Kai Purnhagen: Die neuen Einstufungs- und Kennzeichnungsvorschriften im Chemikalienrecht - Europarechtlicher Kosmos und Deutsches Chaos?. In: Europäische Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht, 20 (2009). - S. 523-526.

Kai Purnhagen, Klemens Hauzenberger: Das Verbot von Cross-Ticketing in den AGB von Flugbeförderungsverträgen und deren verbandsklagerechtliche Kontrolle : Eine ökonomische und rechtliche Analyse. In: Verbraucher und Recht, 24 (2009). - S. 131-137.


Patrick Gödicke, Kai Purnhagen: Haftungsgrundlagen für Schmerzensgeld bei der klinischen Prüfung von Arzneimitteln. In: Medizinrecht, 25 (2007). - S. 139-143.


Moritz Keller, Kai Purnhagen: Fernsehkauf einer Minderjährigen ohne Einwilligung der Eltern. In: Juristische Arbeitsblätter, 38 (2006). - S. 844-850.

Kai Purnhagen: Rabattgewährung für apothekenpflichtige Arzneimittel nach dem Gesetz zur Verbesserung der Wirtschaftlichkeit in der Arzneimittelversorgung (AVWG). In: Medizinrecht, 24 (2006). - S. 315-320.

Faculty of Life Sciences: Food, Nutrition and Health; Faculty of Law and Economics

Kai P Purnhagen
University Professor, Chair of Food Law, Director of the Research Unit for German and European Food Law

Universität Bayreuth
​Fritz-Hornschuch-Straße 13
​95326 Kulmbach

E-mail: kai.purnhagen@uni-bayreuth.de
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